Wednesday 30 November 2011

Today, 30th of November, The Last Day of November 2011 =) ♥

Haha, I write my blog again xD
Today hor, last day of november 2011 ,dam siok xD
I go Penang Bowl play bowling with me best frenz  >.<
Chyuan Zhen Jern Young Eugene Zhi Yong & Our dearest teacher, Mr. Khoo xD
We start from 12 o clock de. But I have to wait Jern Young because he have a briefing in school ><
So we very late when we reach there. That Chyuan Zhen ar, keep call my phone, like very scare I put him aeroplane aneh >.<
After they play for 3 or 4 game,  we only reach the  Penang Bowl >.<  (sorry la buddyz =P )
Then I and Jern Young them play lo. After 1 game, our Mr. Khoo say want go back liao. Ask him the reason, he said : Bo lui  xD (LOL . Mr. Khoo , you will bo lui de meh , dont lie us like a child la xD )
After he go back, just Me,Chyuan Zhen Jern Young Eugene Zhi Yong play nia lur.
Played for 2 more game,  Eugene Zhi Yong want go back pun liao >.< then we say bye bye to them lur xD
So now, just left Me,Chyuan Zhen Jern Young, We play 3 more game xD
Then Chyuan Zhen say wan PK with me wor. Ma come lo. I thought he will win me de. Mana zai, Lose me ! xD My point : 104   Chyuan Zhen : 95 (Hahahaha, Happy sei me xD )
Then after we go to the seaside tengok orang memancing ikan tiok semua balik liao ><
Have a DAMN NICE day with them, next Monday again ya BUDDYZ xD 
Who want join de ? xD Tell me at facebook =P
I complete this at 00.58, 1st of December 2011 xD So, I have to sleep NOW ! Good Night BUDDYZ ;)

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